If you Eat Easter Sweets, Brush your Teeth

Easter is just around the corner and in many households this may mean a higher consumption of sweets. So whether its jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, caramel filled eggs or even Peeps, please remember to brush your teeth.  Vital Smiles GA recommends brushing your teeth a minimum of twice a day, and after enjoying that delicious treat.

If you need tips for brushing your teeth or would like to make an appointment for a thorough after-Easter teeth cleaning, call Vital Smiles GA today!  We have offices in Albany & Norcross, Georgia.



We keep your child’s teeth sparkling clean with the help of our electric tooth brush (a motorized prophy brush). We then apply bubbles (fluoride) to keep his or her teeth strong.

Filling Cavities


We use fun tools like Mr. Bumpy (our slow speed drill) to remove decay. Your child will then receive a silver star (filling), and the tooth will be good as new.



Sealants are thin, protective coatings used to prevent tooth decay. They fill in the tiny grooves of the tooth surface so that brushing becomes more effective.



We use a tooth camera (X-ray machine) to take pictures of your child’s teeth. This gives us a better look at his or her smile. Our Digital X-rays are state of the art, limiting radiation exposure.