Visit the Vital Smiles Georgia Booth at the What Women Want Expo

Vital Smiles Georgia in Albany will be at the 2014 Annual “What Women Want” expo on Saturday, August 2 at Darton State College Student Center.

The free event will feature demonstrations and information about health, fitness, dining, dancing, massages, manicures, fashion, travel and jewelry, all in one convenient location.

Vital Smiles Georgia will provide participants with information about our dental services for children and adults and distribute dental hygiene products while supplies last, so be sure to visit our team at the “What Women Want” expo from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, August 2!



We keep your child’s teeth sparkling clean with the help of our electric tooth brush (a motorized prophy brush). We then apply bubbles (fluoride) to keep his or her teeth strong.

Filling Cavities


We use fun tools like Mr. Bumpy (our slow speed drill) to remove decay. Your child will then receive a silver star (filling), and the tooth will be good as new.



Sealants are thin, protective coatings used to prevent tooth decay. They fill in the tiny grooves of the tooth surface so that brushing becomes more effective.



We use a tooth camera (X-ray machine) to take pictures of your child’s teeth. This gives us a better look at his or her smile. Our Digital X-rays are state of the art, limiting radiation exposure.